Government of Uganda has been on the path of sustained reforms in Public Financial Management Reforms since the 1980’s. These efforts have been championed by the Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development through the line MDAs in the Accountability Sector.

The next phase of reforms are being coordinated through the Resource Enhancement and Accountability Programme from FY2019/20 to FY2022/23.

The Problem:

Attainment of PFM objectives is constrained by inadequate: capable human resource, enforcement of compliance to PFM regulations, linkage of resources to results and accountability for performance.

A situational analysis of the PFM environment was informed by a detailed Strength Weaknesses Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) informed by Diagnostic studies and reviews, Internal & enriched external stakeholder Consultations throughout the strategy design process. The identification of the strategic focus also benefited from various PFM diagnostics including studies from IMF; WB;  PEFA 2016; TADAT among others.

Our Mission:

Our mission is to increase revenue mobilization, improve planning & public investment management, strengthen accountability for quality, effective and efficient service delivery.

The broad rationale of Public Financial Management reforms is to contribute to enhancement of aggregate fiscal discipline; Resource Allocative Efficiency; and Operational Efficiency in Public Expenditure Management and Resource Mobilization. However, the prioritization and strategic focusing of GoUs reform endeavors require that we deepen efforts in public service delivery. This has inspired focus in the mission statement.

The Purpose:

The purpose of PFM reforms is to improve effective, efficiency & accountability of public resources at all levels of Government

The purpose of the next of reforms will go along to contribute to the broad accountability sector goal aimed at achieving a transparent, responsive and accountable public sector that delivers value for money services.