In 1992, the government of Uganda implemented the decentralization policy with the expressed goals of enabling inclusive economic development and nation-wide democratic participation. There was a strong consensus, at the time in the trending literature of the time that decentralization had the potential to increase participation of local communities and citizens, improve government service delivery, and achieve a better level of governance that was more transparent and accountable.
The main objectives of decentralization as outlined by the Local Government Act of 1997 are:
- To give full effect to the decentralization of functions, powers, responsibilities, and services at all levels of Local Government (LG);
- To ensure democratic participation in, and control of, decision making by the people concerned;
- To establish a democratic, political and gender-sensitive administrative set up in LGs;
- To establish sources of revenue and financial accountability;
- To provide for the election of local councils;
- To establish and provide for the composition of interim councils for newly created LG units pending elections of the councils; and
- To provide for formation of interim executive committees for interim councils