Our Story
REAP is a joint GoU and DPs coordination programme for Public Financial Management Reforms in 6 strategic areas across government - after the FINMAP3 phase
Consistent focus on strengthening accountability policies, processes and systems for effective and efficient usage of public resources as a foundation for the delivery of services.
PFM Reforms Setup
The framework for implementation of the agreed reforms hinges on interaction of the key stakeholders including Government ministries, departments and local governments, development partners and civil society.
The key arrangements include:
- The Public Expenditure Management Committee (PEMCOM) – to provide high level policy guidance and control of the PFM reforms. This is led by the Permanent Secretary/Secretary to the Treasury together with Development Partners and Civil Society.
- PFM Reform Clusters – Set up for each strategic objective of the reforms to manage sequencing, prioritization and coordination of all reform interventions – thereby focusing PEMCOM dialogue.
- Technical Working Groups – set up under each cluster to deepen thematic discussions and harmonize implementation on specialized areas within the strategy. These work groups feed the Clusters with technical advisory.
- REAP Funding Partners Committee (FPC) – to provide a forum for dialogue between budget-support funding partners and GoU on the REAP Programme.
- PFM Reforms Secretariat – to support the Government Task Manager for coordination of resources and strategic actions for implementation of PFM Reforms, as well as any other support for management of Government projects and programmes such as the REAP programme. It is also Secretariat to PEMCOM.

Focus Areas

Strengthening Public Investment Management (PIM) for Increased Development Returns on Public Spending. One of the aims of Public Investment Management is to establish and embed a comprehensive project cycle management approach across Government, focusing initially on selected key sectors.

Strengthening Public Investment Management (PIM) for Increased Development Returns on Public Spending. One of the aims of Public Investment Management is to establish and embed a comprehensive project cycle management approach across Government, focusing initially on selected key sectors.

Strengthening the overarching governance framework and the sustainability of PFM reforms by ensuring effective communication and change management, robust capacity development, programming, monitoring and evaluation of PFM reforms.


Sustainable Resource Mobilisation
The aim is to improve domestic revenue mobilization to be able to finance the fiscal deficit and reduce (or eliminate) aid dependence. Nonetheless, in the process of mobilizing domestic revenue, and during a phase that requires major investment in infrastructure, it recognizes the need for borrowing.


Integrated Financial Management System (IFMS)
The IFMS has introduced a range of new practices and therefore new skill requirements. Changes in workflow might result in the requirements to adapt the organisational structure. The IFMS also has far-reaching implications for improving management information for decision-making.

Electronic Government Procurement (e-GP)
The e-GP (Electronic Government Procurement) system is a web-based Platform is a collaborative system to facilitate the full lifecycle of a tendering process, for both buyers and suppliers. The mission is “to attain transparency, accountability, efficiency and competition in public procurement by leveraging Information and Communications Technologies."

Integrated Tax Administration System(e-Tax)
eTAX enables taxpayers to lodge their applications online through the web portal, form anywhere on the globe as long as they are connected to the internet. Upon uploading the application on the web portal, the system will generate an e –acknowledgement receipt.

The Integrated Bank of Projects
The Integrated Bank of Project (IBP) for Uganda is a single window software communication platform among all stakeholders involved in the Public Investment Management System (PIMS) Framework and acts as a central repository of all information relating to public investments throughout the project life cycle (from inception to closure).

Human Capital Management System(HCM)
HCM is a web-based new system that is replacing the Integrated Personnel Pay-roll System (IPPS). HCM has automated all Human Resource Management functions in Government and business processes end to end. The HCM System offeres comprehensive Employee Life Cycle Management, enabling the tracking of employees from entry into civil service

Intergovernmental Fiscal Transfer Reform Strategy(UgIFT)
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PEPFAR, US delegation meets with Finance, Health ministry officials
The U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) Uganda team, recently paid a courtesy call to the Ministry of Finance to strategically discuss and generate a common understanding of the newly released PEPFAR 5-Year Strategy. The meeting also sought to ensure a shared understanding of the new 5×3 approach,

Global Fund team pays courtesy call to Finance Ministry
L-R: FCU’s Alfred Kizza, Ag. Coordinator FCU, Paulo Kyama, the Global Fund’s Linden Morrison and Dr Saman Zaman together with Dawson Kalemba of the Local Fund Agent (PwC) The Global Fund team, led by Mr. Linden Morrison, the Department Head, High Impact Africa 2 and Dr. Saman Zaman, the Senior

Malaria Free Uganda raises funds in private sector drive
(L-R) Director General of Health Services, Dr Henry Mwebesa, Ecobank Managing Director, Grace Muliisa, Malaria Free Uganda Board Chairman, Mr Ken Mugisha, Health Minister, Dr Jane Ruth Aceng, Coordinator of the Funs Coordination Unit of the Global Fund grants in Uganda, Mr Johnson Mutesigensi and Businessman Mr Patrick Bitature at