Outcome 2 : Strengthened Public Investment Management (PIM) for Increased Development Returns on Public Spending.
Objective 3 aims to establish and embed a comprehensive project cycle management approach across Government, focusing initially on selected key sectors. This encompasses support at all stages of the cycle to enhance the economic return from investments as well as value for money, by improving project preparation, independent review processes, use of appraisal in project selection, enhancing procurement and contract management processes, better tracking and management of public assets and strengthening accountability and performance reporting.
A significant amount of training and capacity building is required under this objective across a range of PFM institutions. Training will therefore be embedded within existing government programming of training and options for partnerships with relevant external training institutions for delivery of training, including on-line learning will be explored.
This outcome recognises that there is low VfM across all public procurements, but that the greatest impact with limited resources can be achieved by focusing reform efforts on the largest, most complex procurements. The intervention approach for large, complex projects focuses on enhancing the legal and regulatory framework, local content policy and introducing techniques and processes to strengthen the independence and quality of large procurements.
This will be complemented by reforms under Objective 4 (Accountability systems), which will support the roll out of e-Procurement and developing professional training programmes for procurement cadres. In order to support compliance with procurement systems, reform activities will also focus on developing a professional training programme for procurement cadres. Training under this outcome will be limited to central government, with further support provided to Local Government under Objective 5 (Local Government PFM).
Key interventions (outputs) include:
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